Thursday, April 15, 2010

Domino, how I miss thee

Its been over a year since Domino Magazine left me without a decor magazine in my collection. I still drool over the lovely images left behind.

I love the chair and the photo wall, what a lovely reading corner.

Neutrals with a pop of color.

An unexpected bright ceiling in a neutral room.

The mini-Barcelona chair had me at hello, but what I REALLY like is the wood walls.

One of my all time favorite rooms. This is the room that got me on grey. The mirrored nightstand and the coverlet also make my heart pitter patter.

More grey, soothing and calm. Lots of texture.

I don't know what I like more, the architecture of the house, the painting or the lovely ship chandelier.

Who doesn't want a swing in their bedroom? And a tropical bedroom at that.

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