Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Poll

One of my favorite blogs does a survey every Monday, and I thought I would join in!

1. Mood:
Reflective and thoughtful. Grey skies, moody indie music and some things I need to work out have my brain whirling.

2. What’s your favorite number?
21! My best friend and I REALLY liked the arms on a football player in high school and adopted his jersey numbers as our favorite number. 12 years later (12, the transverse is acceptable too), its still my number

3. Are you more outgoing or shy?
More outgoing, but it takes me a little bit to warm up to you

4. How do you feel about matte nails?
Bring them on! I would love some matte black nail polish.

5. Eyes/lips/cheeks:
Nada. Once the uniform and the safety glasses are on, there ain't much going on in the face department!

6. Last book you read and loved?
I'm reading A Game of Thrones, a fantasy novel my brother in law loaned me, and I am loving it. Slow going, but really enjoyable.

7. Brussel spouts — yay or nay?

8. What was the last awesome thing you bought for less than $10?
Little Miss Sunshine, a kid's book from my childhood. I read it twice and then I gave it to my nephew, who I actually bought it for.

9. Outfit:
Workout clothes, I am waiting for the crowds to ebb at the gym, then time to bust my butt!

10. Weekly goals:
Follow my diet plan, find something waist friendly that I can make as a Halloween treat, and refill my prescription that I just can't seem to go to CVS for!

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