Monday, December 14, 2009

Words of Wisdom

Let's take a moment to really realize who He is. Have a blessed week.

"God is not rescuer.
God is not safety.
God is not benevolent or critical Father-knows-best.
God is not puppet or puppeteer.
God is not who I thought or was taught He is.
God is lover - reckless, spendthrift, indiscriminate, passionate.
God is pursuer - relentless, determined, tireless seeker of my soul.
God is challenger - demanding, movement, journey, change, growth.
God is creator - delighted in me.
God is nurturer - feeding hungry children.
God is teacher - eager to share knowledge and wisdom.
God is dancer and music maker - creation responds joyfully…
God is spirit, wind, and fire - uncontainable…
God is light - exposing, revealing, searching out all I would hide.
God is unknowable yet constantly revealing to me with richness and intensity I cannot ignore.
God knows me, forms me, recognizes and claims me…from my mother's womb."

-Pastor Virginia Going.

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