Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

2009 was such a good year and I know that 2010 is going to rock even more!

Joe should be coming home in a couple hours and I am doing some cooking and cleaning in the meantime. I've been a little MIA lately because their just hasn't been that much to talk about! Things are good and routine. Working, cooking, trying to clean more and doing it all again!

Here are a couple of my Resolutions for 2010.

1. Organize my closet (you don't want to know how bad it is)
2. Do something with my hair already
3. Paint the guest room and landing and hang some photos up
4. Save money for a new house
5. Keep going to church

I hope your New Years is fun (and safe!) and that 2010 is everything that you want it to be!

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