Friday, July 31, 2009

Summer Isn't Supposed to Look Like This

I still can't get used to all the rain in the summer. Whenever it is humid during the day, we will have an evening thunderstorm. Don't get me wrong, I love them, I just wish it would only rain in the winter time.

But since I love them, you are going to have to see lots of pictures of clouds, because I think clouds are the prettiest things in the sky!

Sorry about the slow posts...

I just haven't had too much to blog about. I work, go to the gym, spend some time reading, and then take a shower and go to bed. Oh, and I work too.

In actual news, Joseph and I celebrated our second anniversary together! I can't believe that it has been 2 years since I moved out of the West and into the South. It is so entirely different, and while I miss California very much, there is so much that I do like here. I secretly hope to pick up a Southern Accent, which I notice I pick up a little bit if most of the people around me are have them. I will work on a post about life in the South soon, since I love to compare places.

Thanks for checking in, and hopefully I will have something interesting to blog about!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

We are on Skype now!

Joe picked me up a webcam for our anniversary, which was Friday. We are now on Skype, if you are reading this, we want to talk to you! I don't know how to use it yet, but our (well, mine) user name is amber.n.mooore. Add us, we would love to chat with you!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Home gym completed

I found a last minute weight discovery on craigslist today that was near my house. I wasn't planning on adding anything else besides finding more weights for my strongman equipment but this one just kinda came together at the right time today. Ended up getting a squat rack, bench and a few bars in addition to 415lbs of weight to add to my 600lbs I already had. It ended up benefiting both Amber and I. For Amber she has been wanting to learn how to properly lift free weights at the gym but feels too embarassed to try on her own. Our schedules are opposite so I wasn't able to train her there. So now I can show her the exercises at home and she can apply them at the gym. Turns out her membership is up in two months. I have 17 months left on mine and would rather train at home full time then to split it half and half and listen to anymore of the gyms complaining. So when hers is up, I will transfer mine over to her so she can keep going and I'll enjoy my new setup right at home. Everybody wins.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Apparently my dog is fat according to the vet. Wait though, this is Caleb were talking about. The same dog we compare to an imperial walker from star wars. Long legged and hump back. Lets go to the photos and you decide.

Tough call on this first photo.

Extreme Hobbies + Amber = A Happy Bear

This blog is to say thanks to my other half and to let her know that while I'm not very expressive all the time, things do not go unnoticed. Specifically though this relates to my latest encounter with one of my hobbies strongman. I was recently told by the gym that I could no longer train strongman there and had to remove all of my equipment. I thought out all the possibilities of where I could put and store everything and what would work and what wouldn't. While not the most aesthetically pleasing, bringing the stuff home was the most economical and smartest decision. When we move into a new house this will obviously be garage kept, but for now it's inside and I just wanted to take this time to thank Amber for being understanding about my passions. While I've always been thankful for her tolerance of what I do, this weekend really brought it upfront that much more when Amber told me that her female co-workers said that she shouldn't be with me because I did this and that I'm not the right person for her. Thank you and I love you.

Monday, July 13, 2009

I need a new look....

I've been doing really good with going to the gym, and just generally being more disciplined in my everyday life, which is really awesome. I feel like I am starting to come into my own.

I have no problem admitting that I am a makeup junkie. Its not as bad now because I don't have a Sephora nearby to haunt each weekend. But I was looking through my makeup collection and its seriously lacking. Its. So. Boring. Same shades, different brands. So I started searching through my Google Reader (God Bless you, Google) and found a look that I REALLY love. Its a little outside of my normal look (a little sexier, ok a lot sexier than what I do now) but very "ideal Amber". Is it just me, but do you have a vision of yourself that you would be if you weren't so gosh darn lazy? Maybe its just me, but this is what non-lazy Amber would be rocking.

So what does that mean? Shopping list! Here is what is currently on my gotta have list ::cough, Joe, anniversary, cough::

Benefit Bad Gal Waterproof Eyeliner (20)
BRONZE eyeshadow from MAC (14)
BLANC TYPE eyeshadow from MAC (14)

BOOT BLACK Liquid Eyeliner from MAC (15)
FALSE EYELASHES MASCARA in Black by Prescriptives (18)

LUMINARY Lip Gloss from MAC
MYTH Lipstick from MAC

10 by Benefit (28)
Laura Mercier Flawless Face Kit in SAND (65)
CUBIC Bluh by MAC (14)

This is an idea of what I am going to start switching my look to:

And no, I have never watched The Hills.

I need a new hair look too. I can't decide if I want to go:



What do you think?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Joe to the rescue!!!

Joe and I have been blessed with a truck that belonged to his Dad, and it saves us TONS of money each month in car payments and insurance costs alone. We are so grateful to have our cute little truck, which we affectionately call "B3000 (its actual name) or just "B". Now B hit 100K miles last month, right when I pulled into the driveway after my trip to Florida for Kris' (my adorably pregnant sister-in-law) baby shower.

The next morning, with 100,002 miles on it, I cranked the engine over and it started squeaking. It sounded like a belt. Joe checked it out and fixed the belt, and that squeaking went away. There seemed to be another squeak now and then from somewhere else, but we couldn't pin it down. So we let it be and it would squeak off and on for the next three weeks.

Cut to last Thursday morning, when on my way to work, B decided he didn't want to run any more. Just like that, I was all out of power and coasting to the side of the road.

The truck would not stay running, and I couldn't reach Joe by phone, so I walked the 2 miles home and got Joe up out of bed. After looking at it, he noticed that he could it get it to keep running by tapping on a manifold thing. Basically, that some sort of box on the middle of the engine. Joe suggested that we take it to AutoZone, since they do a free diagnostic check. Turns out this Idle Air thing-a-ma-bob was dirty, built up carbon power. So we took B home and Joe cleaned it out with some spray that we already had. And guess what? IT'S FIXED!!!! For FREE!!!!

This isn't the first time that Joe has fixed my truck. We had a mass air flow sensor die on it, and Joe was able to fix it for $120, when the mechanic wanted $300 to fix it! Not to mention that Joe does all the fluid and tire checks for me, and also changes my oil. He does all of the maintenance on it too, which saves us SO MUCH money!

Its great to have my own personal mechanic, who just happens to be really cute too! What more could a girl ask for? Well, other than breakfast in bed, nothing really!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Just some photos of Caleb and Bus playing around. You may wonder why I have so many more of Bus, that's because Caleb never sits still long enough to get one! And also because Bus' HUGE head and mouth make him so much fun to photograph!




Bus was a little tuckered out at the end and just gave up:

Bus is hilarious! He makes the goofiest faces!

How he looks after I flipped the photos:

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

God is so amazing!

Check out these photos of our Universe. God is incredible, no?


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Paint Party!

Last night I painted our master bedroom. I got a light grey paint from Sherwin Williams at 40% off! They were having a sale already, and since I work for Cummins, I got an additional 10% off as well.

Also, I spray painted my bifold doors a glossy black. I really like the way our room is coming out.

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