Thursday, March 11, 2010

Baby Shower Idea Boards

My sister Ashlee is currently 17 weeks pregnant with her first baby! She is due August 18 and everything is going great! She looks adorable. Totally insane to think about. My mom and I are throwing her a shower on June 5, while I am in California. And being the crazy person that I am, we have made up our plans already! All that is left to do is find out if Buddy(ie) is a boy or a girl. Either way, I know the shower will be non-cheesy and fabulous, because I came up with most of the ideas! Shameless, I know. We have all of the main stuff decided, we just need a gender appropriate color scheme to go with.

How stoked am I? Overly, considering I don’t like kids. Take that back, I like well behaved kids.

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