Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday Poll: Nov 2

1. Mood:
A little bummed. I don't want to explain.

2. Are you a good cook?
I'm getting there. See previous posts : )

3. Are you a spender or a saver?
I'm a spender wanting to be a saver

4. Black lipstick?
Nah, not for me. A little too goth

5. Eyes/lips/cheeks:
Chapstick and mascara

6. Last movie you loved?
Twilight. Sigh

7. Spiders?
No thank you! Especially out here, they jump!

8. What’s the weather like out your way?
Cold. And I love it. Sweater weather!!!!

9. Outfit:
My pjs. Sweats and and t-shirt.

10. Weekly goals
Stick to the diet, fix my eyebrows and go through my makeup to give away to my sister.

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