Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm a bad mother....

To my dogs. Everyday I come home from work excited to see my boys, and an hour later I leave for the gym because I have to get away from them. They don't listen to me. At all. I tell them to sit, they stand. I tell them to go potty, and they wrestle in the backyard. I tell them to come in and they run away. When it's time to go in their homes for the night, Bus runs upstairs. Or under the table where I can't reach him. Within an hour I am so sick of yelling at them and telling them to quit playing so rough, I can't stand to be in the same room.

Joe on the other hand, has complete control over them. It's night and day and I can't stand it. Caleb actually "talks" back to me when I tell him to do something. I try to do all the same things Joe does, but nothing works. They just don't listen to their mother.

Ok, rant over. I hate starting the week on a negative note.

1 comment:

  1. Nobody messes with the Big Dog of the house. Run Teddybus Run!
