Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I'm Chuck Bass...

My sister in law Tiffany and I don't get to meet in person very often, but we exchange mile long emails when we should be working that cover such serious topics as diets full of Snickers bars, frizzy hair, selfish children that are way too cute to be allowed (shout out to Brady!) and shameless slothism.

Today we somehow got on the topic of Gossip Girl as fluffy brain candy. And Chuck Bass. Sigh. The suffering gorgeous ascot-wearing dude with the best emo hair that I think is a player on the show. Not sure, I haven't watched it. But, I love him, oh how I love him! I somehow stumbled on Gossip Girl on YouTube and now I HAVE to watch it. Come on, how hot is this guy? The voice!?! It kills me.

So, please excuse me while I waste a few hours on this blog
Chuck galore and sassy dialog to boot. If you are offended by profanity, just look at the pictures, skip the captions.

1 comment:

  1. I do love me some Gossip Girl...and SO glad you're on to it now too! (as if we need more to talk about!) ha! :p
