Thursday, August 20, 2009

Southern Yumminess!

Last Friday I made some pulled pork to eat for during the week. And in the South, you can't have pulled pork that's not on a bun! Ok, you can, it's just better that way. I really enjoyed the pork, it was cheap and easy to make. Of course it would have been better if I had cooked it on the grill, but we don't have one.

Here is the recipe (if you can call it that)
1 3-4 pound boston butt (pork roast)
1 cup of chicken broth
A few shakes of BBQ sauce

Throw it in the slow cooker for 8 hours on low, and shred with 2 forks. Serve on buns with more BBQ sauce and some pickles, or coleslaw. Yum!

I also got some super fresh South Carolina peaches and made a peach cobbler! This one is for sure not close to my Mama Jean's cobbler, but I liked it. Joe and I enjoyed it with some vanilla ice cream. If you want the recipe, let me know, I am feeling too lazy to dig it out.

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